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南开大学社群信息学 73讲 王素芳主讲


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精品资源 发表于 2017-7-12 21:02:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
课程名称:   南开大学社群信息学 73讲  王素芳主讲

免费试看:   http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntJ8klV


A library functions as a community technology center(二).flv
A library functions as a community technology center(三).flv
A library functions as a community technology center(一).flv
Analyzing your data.flv
Community Informatics Research and Practice(二).flv
Community Informatics Research and Practice(三).flv
Community Informatics Research and Practice(一).flv
Community informatics research methods(二).flv
Community informatics research methods(三).flv
Community informatics research methods(四).flv
Community informatics research methods(一).flv
Field research manual.flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(八).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(二).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(六).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(七).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(三).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(四).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(五).flv
Guest lecture by Professor Yan(一).flv
How is cyberpower a key dependent variable in community informatics (上).flv
How is cyberpower a key dependent variable in community informatics (下).flv
How is cyberpower a key depnt variable in community informatics (二).flv
How is cyberpower a key depnt variable in community informatics (三).flv
How is cyberpower a key depnt variable in community informatics (四).flv
How is cyberpower a key depnt variable in community informatics (五).flv
How is cyberpower a key depnt variable in community informatics (一).flv
Information Revolution II (二).flv
Information Revolution II (三).flv
Information Revolution II (一).flv
Information Revolution(上).flv
Information Revolution(下).flv
Public Computing(二).flv
Public Computing(六).flv
Public Computing(三).flv
Public Computing(上).flv
Public Computing(四).flv
Public Computing(五).flv
Public Computing(下).flv
Public Computing(一).flv
Research methods in community informatics(二).flv
Research methods in community informatics(三).flv
Research methods in community informatics(四).flv
Research methods in community informatics(五).flv
Research methods in community informatics(一).flv
Social networks and Social capital(上).flv
Social networks and Social capital(下).flv
The Disadvantage(1).flv
The Disadvantage(2).flv
The Disadvantage(3).flv
The Disadvantage.flv
The Informatics Moment(上).flv
The Informatics Moment(下).flv
UC2B and the Economy(二).flv
UC2B and the Economy(三).flv
UC2B and the Economy(四).flv
UC2B and the Economy(一).flv
What are social network theory and social capital theory(二).flv
What are social network theory and social capital theory(三).flv
What are social network theory and social capital theory(四).flv
What are social network theory and social capital theory(一).flv
What is community informatics and why does it matter.flv
What is community informatics(上).flv
What is community informatics(下).flv
What is community?(二).flv
What is community?(六).flv
What is community?(三).flv
What is community?(四).flv
What is community?(五).flv
What is community?(一).flv
What is our summer research design(二).flv
What is our summer research design(三).flv
What is our summer research design(一).flv

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